What is a Postpartum Doula?
Non-medical, certified professional who offers physical, emotional and informational support to families in their homes after the birth of a baby.
What does having a Postpartum Doula do?
Main goal: promotes and protects the physical and emotional recovery of the birth parent and partner as they step into the postpartum period.
Secondary goal: Helps the newborn's transition to life outside of the womb.
Third goal: Help with anything that’s getting in the way of the first and second goal.
Who needs a Postpartum Doula?
Every woman who has just had a baby (even if they are in the NICU).
What is Sleep Training?
A structured process of helping the baby to get adjusted to a sleeping schedule that allows them to sleep 12 hrs through the night and two scheduled 1.5 hr naps during the day. Usually takes 3-4 days.
What is Sleep Training with Little Fox not?
Sleep Training with us is NOT use of the “cry it out” method.